About Littleton Academy
The Littleton Academy is an alternative program for grades 7 – 12 within the Littleton School District. Students attend from the Daisy Bronson Middle School, Littleton High School, and from out of district. Littleton Academy will work directly with parents, counseling services, the sending school and outside resources to ensure student’s success both academically and behaviorally.
The Littleton Academy believes the students learn as individuals from various experiences in school, home, and the community. Littleton Academy will teach students through appropriate role modeling, connecting with each individual, as well as implementing a consistent school wide behavior management system that promotes good behavior and academic success for each individual student. Working as a team with parents, teachers, and the community, the ultimate goal is to develop and support a successful transition back into the school or community.
Student Profile
Students who attend Littleton Academy may struggle in many of their classes both academically and behaviorally. Students may have a difficult time staying on task, following rules and expectations, or interacting socially with others. Students may lack the ability to follow the mainstream classes, struggle with class sizes or the workload both at school or at home. Some students may have fallen significantly behind in credits or school work.
These students may exhibit behavioral issues, isolate from others, or experience difficulty connecting with the mainstream population. Some students may receive services through Special Education or 504 Accommodation Plans. Students may be enrolled in the Littleton Academy on a full or part-time basis, depending on their individual needs.
In conjunction with the Littleton School District, Littleton Academy aligns their curriculum with Daisy Bronson Middle School and Littleton High School. Although the standards, objectives and instruction will meet New Hampshire and District requirements; the instruction will be implemented through alternative modalities and will be tailored to meet each individual students specific academic needs.
Littleton Academy students will have the opportunity to participate in individualized instruction, Distance Learning, Vocational courses, community based services, and Life Skills instruction. Littleton Academy graduation requirements are the same as those of Littleton High School.
Behavioral Intervention
Students will utilize a daily tracking sheet to monitor their academics and behaviors. It will evaluate a student’s respect to self, respect to others, assignment completion, effort and motivation, as well as a daily personal goal. Students will have the opportunity to participate in personal goal development. The tracking sheet is a tool to assist in behavior modification, home to school communication, as well as to assist in determining student consequences for minor behavior violations as outlined in the student handbook. Consequences for moderate or major violations will be determined by the Littleton Academy Director or designee.
Privileges and limitations are defined by a leveled behavior management system. Levels are determined by daily point values earned by students and recorded on the daily tracking sheet. To promote school to home communication Parents/Guardians are expected to read and sign the tracking sheet each day and support students in returning the tracking sheet to the appropriate staff member.